Sunday, September 29, 2013


Lecturer : Dr. Dyah Rahmawati Hizbaron, M.Sc., M.T

1.  Indonesia is archipelagic country, whereas watershed and management planning conducted in decentralized manner. There are diverse case studies in Indonesia which implement diverse planning approaches. As we discussed, there are evolving approaches within watershed and coastal management planning. among these approaches, which planning type is the most appropriate for Indonesia context, and give example. (Not exceeded 500 words).
Answer :
Indonesia as an archipelagic country has coastal and ocean than a medium of interaction between regions also serve as a resource area. It can be said that the coastal and watershed elements can’t be separated in the context of overall regional planning where coastal and watershed areas are also part strategically important role, both in terms of economic and ecological aspects. Lack of understanding of the biophysical and socio-economic linkages between upstream and downstream watersheds, a constraint in the overall efforts to resolve environmental problems is increasing in coastal and marine areas. Thus of the conditions of development paradigm shift of the original individual, operational and fragmented into collective, collaborative and integrative.
Spatial planning with a collaborative approach by considering the ecological regions are very suitable for the management of watersheds and coastal areas in Indonesia to solve the problem of environmental degradation in the watershed and coastal areas and also to consider the development of a concept as the basis for the implementation of spatial development that takes into account all aspects related to the existence of watersheds and coastal areas.
Collaborative approach can be viewed from two perspectives: (1) the concept of solving conflicts from the perspective of the organization and (2) the concept of stakeholder cooperation. Ecoregion relationships into consideration in collaborative approaches for watershed management and coastal area management is an entity that should be based on shared characteristics of natural phenomena (natural domain), the functional linkages between upstream and downstream with a unique coastal characteristics, assimilation capacity and environmental capacity through patterns of land use compatibility between cultivated areas, buffer, and protected as well as the integration that takes into account such things as the Maritime Terrestrial Ecosystem Integration, Integration of sectoral planning, integration planning locally, regionally and nationally. Integration of planning local, regional and national become a reference in a collaborative approach. Involvement of all stakeholders from the planning stage to the implementation stage of the key principles in achieving effectiveness of watershed and coastal areas.
One example of watershed planning with collaborative approaches is Citarum watershed Management. In management, there are three determinants that have a high impact on the performance of the system and the inter-dependence among the factors in its management ecoregion approach, a watershed management and watershed characteristics. These factors is achieved through the dissemination and implementation of studies and academic papers ecoregion approach to development which affects the upstream watershed management policies systems Citarum watershed downstream. The policy is achieved through an integrated stakeholder cooperation among BPDAS Citarum, Balai Besai Wilayah Sungai Citarum, Department of Forestry, BPLHD Provinsi Jawa Barat, Dinas Pengelola SDA Provinsi Jawa Barat, Biro Sarana Perekonomian Jawa Barat, Gabungan Perkumpulan Petani Pengelola Air Jawa Barat, WALHI Jawa Barat, Dinas Pekerjaan Umum (Pengairan) Kab. Bandung, Dinas Lingkungan Hidup Kab. Bandung, P3A Tirta Siliwangi Kab. Bandung, Pemerintah Desa Sukapura Kab. Bandung, Perum Jasa Tirta II, PDAM Kota Bandung.

2.   Coastal area is a holistic entity of land use function, social assimilation and economic accumulation. Additionally, coastal area suffers from very dramatic environmental degradation (stress) and natural hazard potentials (shock). Elaborate an specific plan to counter disaster occurrence in coastal areas, which involves various stakeholder and provide an example.

Answer :

One of the policy model of sustainable development of coastal areas and natural disaster mitigation perspective that involves the participation of various stakeholders are in Indramayu. Indramayu coastal has the potential natural disasters such as coastal erosion and flooding. Coastal erosion processes (abrasion) in the coastal areas of Indramayu lasted quite strong, so the shoreline has retreated far from the old shoreline and was approaching the highway of Indramayu - Jakarta, which at this point remain over a distance of only about 100 meters from the seafront. It occurs due to disturbance of coastal ecosystems such as coastal and marine sand mining to reclamation, the existing buildings around the beach and clearing of mangroves for aquaculture area of ​​environmental impact on ecosystems in the coastal region. Changes in beach slope (gradient beach) a steep slope which previously was one of the coastal areas experiencing abrasion proof. Breaker zone area (breaking waves) that was far from the shoreline near the coast have now changed. It shows that Indramayu coastal change destructive.

Trimming of mangrove forests in the coastal area for fish ponds and other interest is one form of human intervention that resulted in a change to trigger the occurrence of dynamic coastal erosion in the coastal area.

Policy direction of sustainable development of coastal areas and natural disaster mitigation perspective can be achieved if carried out by the government with management through a collaborative community-based stakeholders. Whether it includes inter-sector, inter-regional and inter-actor.
a.       Inter-sector
Not only the fishery sector are dealing with coastal areas but also the role of various other sectors can’t be released as industry sector and the environment sector.
b.      Inter-regional
The coastal area can’t be constrained by administrative factors, but also the ecological and economic linkages should also be considered in order to minimize conflicts of interest.
c.       Inter-actor
For reducing the need for sectoral gaps specific strategies comprehensive treatment and sustainable. Need for central government policies to bridge this gap through cooperation mechanisms inter-actor (stakeholders) to decide how best to implement area management plan and action plan that suits your needs and the capacity.

Spatial stages that must be planned :
1.      Realignment of Indramayu coastal ecosystems, coastal areas by planting the mangrove forests or rehabilitation / reforestation of mangroves. And the creation of green belts around the area farms. So that there is limit the area that can be used as a mangrove forest itself and other land use.
2.      Manufacture of coastal structures such as dikes beach (sea wall), groin (groyne), and retaining the waves made with material or material that is efektife and efficiently. So that the risk of erosion and accretion trigger reduced.

3.      Preparation of Spatial Integrated Coastal Zone, the determination of certain zoning in coastal areas as function areas, such as industrial estates, transport, residential land, agricultural land, land tours, and land for infrastructure needs effectively and efficiently.

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