Sunday, September 29, 2013

Tugas Modul 9b

Final Examination Modul 9B :Coastal and Watershed Resources and Hazards Modeling

  1. Mention and explain five adaptation strategies (both in watershed and coastal area) conducted by local community to global warming impact.
a.      Adaptation to Coastal Erosion
The impact of global warming: Erosion occurring in coastal areas that have to damage settlements and existing infrastructure.
Adaptation strategies :
       Relocation of the affected settlements inland erosion
       Greening the coastal areas using coastal vegetation (mangrove and beach)
       The construction of facilities protection (protection) as seawall construction or reclamation
       Relocation of all critical infrastructures are exposed to erosion to areas that are not prone to erosion / landward
       Relocation of the affected pond erosion
b.      Adaptation to Sea Level Rise
The impact of global warming: sea level rise of 7.8 to 8 mm / year which caused widespread flooded areas and changes in wetland area and the lowland and the sinking of small islands.
Adaptation strategies :
       Rehabilitation of coastal vegetation (mangrove and beach) are affected by sea level rise and coastal afforestation areas using coastal vegetation (mangrove and beach)
       Planting of mangroves of the type that has a wide tolerance to changes in salinity, tidal variations and substrates such as Rhizophora sp.
       Relocation of settlements affected by sea level rise to a higher area / land
       Adaptation to the construction of houses on stilts if not possible to relocate residents
       Relocation of all critical infrastructure to higher ground / ground
       The construction of facilities protection (protection) as seawall construction or reclamation
       Diversification of aquaculture aquatic biota (aquaculture) appropriate / tolerant to environmental changes such as from shrimp farms to milk.
       Relocation of the affected ponds of sea level rise
c.       Adaptation to Flood
The impact of global warming: Increased areas prone to flooding caused by changes in rainfall patterns and hydrology.
Adaptation strategies :
       Rehabilitation of the existing drainage system
       The transfer of water between reservoirs / ponds / it will be able to balance the distribution of water from surplus areas to deficit areas
       Campaigning for the tree planting movement through various types of media whether it's television, radio, posters, flyers, billboards, etc.
       Planting trees en masse for example by creating urban parks, urban forests, and planting obligations for institutions, housing or other institutions
       Maintain and increase forest cover in the upstream and downstream river
       Maintain various means of water supply / water management in an integrated manner that emphasizes the importance of preserving the ecosystem
       Prohibit development on river banks and beaches.
d.      Adaptation for Tidal Wave
Impacts of climate change: The tides that occur with increasing frequency that is destroying the local settlements and other infrastructure.
Adaptation strategies :
       Relocation of settlements affected by tidal waves landward
       Adaptation to the construction of houses on stilts if not possible to relocate residents
       Greening the coastal areas using coastal vegetation (mangrove and beach)
       The construction of facilities protection (protection) as seawall construction or reclamation
       Relocation of all critical infrastructures are exposed to a tidal wave of areas that are not prone to tidal waves / landward
       Relocation of the affected farms tide
e.       Adaptation to the tidal inundation (Rob)
The impact of global warming: The high intensity of tidal inundation (rob) that goes deep into the mainland through the channel ponds, port facilities, highways, shops, offices, residential, and residential drainage systems and urban poor condition.
Adaptation strategies :
       Relocation of settlements affected by tidal landward
       Adaptation to the construction of houses on stilts if not possible to relocate residents
       Greening the coastal areas using coastal vegetation (mangrove and beach)
       The construction of facilities protection (protection) as seawall construction or reclamation
       Relocation of all critical infrastructures are exposed to a tidal area that is not prone to rob / landward

2.      Create a chart that illustrates disaster risk development on the coastal area. Explain your chart (in brief), and please consider both marine hazards and hazards coming from the upland area.
Answer :
Wilayah yang memiliki risiko terjadinya bencana di wilayah pesisir sangat bermacam-macam, kesemuanya terjadi berasal tekanan dari  laut yang mempengaruhi daratan diantaranya gelombang tinggi dan kenaikan permukaan air laut  sedangkan pengaruh dari daratan terhadap risiko bencana di pengaruhi oleh kerusakan ekosistem pesisir (mangrove dan terumbu karang), perubahan garis pantai (abrasi pantai) dan penurunan permukaan tanah. Pada grafik dibawah dijelaskan tentang trend kenaikan permukaan air laut (Sea Level Rise), kenaikan permukaan air laut merupakan ancaman terbesar dari pemanasan global dan perubahan iklim yang berasal dari laut yang mempengaruhi daratan dan mengancam kehidupan manusia maupun ekosistem. Untuk memprediksi kenaikan muka air laut di pesisir Kabupaten Tuban menggunakan pemodelan sehingga diperoleh proyeksi kenaikan air laut selama beberapa tahun ke depan sampai tahun 2050 untuk kawasan pesisir Kabupaten Tuban.

Data grafik kenaikan permukaan air laut di Kabupaten Tuban diambil dari penelitian Prediksi Kenaikan Muka Air Laut di Pesisir Kabupaten Tuban Akibat Perubahan Iklim (Haristyana. dkk, 2012) dengan menggunakan pemodelan MAGICC dengan scenario B2AIM dan A2AIM dengan prediksi kenaikan air laut mulai tahun 1980-2050, maka dapat diambil kesimpulan bahwa skenario yang sesuai dengan kondisi daerah pesisir Kabupaten Tuban adalah skenario B2AIM yang menghasilkan proyeksi kenaikan muka air laut sebesar 0.135 m pada tahun 2000, 0.297 m untuk tahun 2010, 0.54 m pada tahun 2020, 0.757 m pada tahun 2030, 1.08 m pada tahun 2040 dan 1.43 m pada tahun 2050.  

Grafik diatas menjelaskan prediksi penurunan permukaan tanah di kota Semarang mulai tahun 2010 sampai 2020. Penurunan tanah (Land subsidence) merupakan salah satu faktor dari darat yang beresiko bencana diwilayah pesisir, dari studi penurunan tanah yang dilakukan selama ini, diidentifikasi ada beberapa faktor penyebab terjadinya penurunan tanah yaitu : pengambilan air tanah yang berlebihan, penurunan karena beban bangunan, penurunan karena adanya konsolidasi alamiah dari lapisan-lapisan tanah, serta penurunan karena gaya-gaya tektonik. Dari empat tipe penurunan tanah ini, penurunan akibat pengambilan air tanah yang berlebihan dipercaya sebagai salah satu tipe penurunan tanah yang dominan untuk kota-kota besar tersebut. Grafik penurunan tanah dengan prediksi hingga tahun 2020 yang diambil dari penelitian Monitoring land subsidence in Semarang, Indonesia (Marfai dan King, 2007). Dengan hasil prediksi tahun 2015 pada daratan dengan elevasi 0.0-0.5m dibawah permukaan laut luas area yang tergenang 3.285.000 m2 , dan pada tahun 2020 menjadi 14.645.000 m2, sedangkan elevasi 0.5-1.0 m daerah yang tergenang tahun 2015 dan 2020 yaitu 1.870.000 m2 dan 6.067.500 m2, elevasi 1.0-1.5 m2 luas 252.500 m2 dan 1.277.500 m2, elevasi 1.5-2.0 m elevasi tahun 2015 dan 2020 yaitu 35.000 m2 dan 275.000 m2.

Berdasarkan hasil diatas, dua faktor penyebab resiko bencana diwilayah pesisir yang berasal dari laut dan darat, sehingga dapat disimpulkan  risiko bencana wilayah pesisir sangat besar, jika kedua faktor bahaya terjadi bersamaan maka akan mengakibatkan kerusakan yang parah diwilayah pesisir, dimana prediksi ketinggian permukaan air laut pada tahun 2020 mencapai 0.757 dan penurunan permukaan air tanah yang tergenang mencapai luasan 3.285.000 m2 pada elevasi 0.0-0.5 m dibawah permukaan air laut dan luas wilayah dengan ketinggian antara 0.5-1 m akan bertambah dengan luasan 1.870.000 m2 wilayah yang terendam banjir rob akibat kenaikan permukaan laut ditambah dengan penurunan permukaan tanah (Land subsidence)


GIS Raster Application on Coastal Flood Hazard

Raster data is data that is stored in the form of a rectangular box (grid) / cells to form a regular space. Digital photos like areal photography or satellite imagery is part of raster data on a map. Raster data represents the grid continue. Value using the color image photography, which show the level of red, green, and blue in the cell. On raster data, the geographic objects represented as a grid cell structure called a pixel (picture element). Resolution (visual definition) depends on the pixel size, the smaller the size of the Earth's surface is represented by the cell, the higher the resolution. Raster data generated from remote sensing systems and very good to represent the boundaries are changed gradually as soil type, soil moisture, temperature, and others. Raster maps are maps obtained from an areal photography, satellite images or photograph the earth's surface which is obtained from the computer. Examples of raster maps taken from weather satellites.

Raster data can be applied to the measurement of coastal flooding. Examples are tidal flooding in coastal areas. The phenomenon of flooding due to tides (rob) has a negative impact on coastal residential areas. The impact of flooding due to tides (rob) has changed the physical environment and the pressure on the public, buildings, and infrastructure of existing settlements in the region. Flooding due to tides (rob) will have an impact on environmental damage to infrastructure (water, waste, drainage, sanitation) as well as a marked decrease in environmental quality with lower quality of public health.

Raster data applications one of which is to determine the distribution of flood inundation (rob) in a coastal area that was raised by sea level rise and inundation identify the impact of flooding (rob) on settlements. Distribution of tidal inundation mapping is done using digital data in raster format in the form of a map DEM and map point heights. To find out areas that were flooded, the data is also used in a tidal flood elevation coastal zones. Dioah the data by the method of interpolation, overlay and iteration techniques. Preparation of maps spread the distribution of tidal inundation was done by using iterative calculation using a specific algorithm. The analysis conducted is the Digital Elevation Model (DEM) or Digital Elevation Model is a visualization front elevation topography or soil that is built based on the results of the deterministic interpolation is made using the moving average method of interpolation. Digital Elevation Model pixel size used was 50 m with a precision of 1. Digital Elevation Model in a particular area shown in 5 classifications height values. Gradations of color in the Digital Elevation Model present face value of the height of land in a coastal region. Formulation of scenarios that simulated tidal flood elevation based on DEM data generating tidal inundation area which covers a different value in each scenario. Scenario inundation models created using several assumptions, such as the protection of coastal buildings as embankment with a height of 180 cm. Based on the map, such as tidal flood inundated areas in pairs of 2 m or 200 cm and 2.5 m or 250 cm, whereas at a height of 100 cm and 150 cm inundation has not happened because the embankment is made still able hinders the high tide sea water inundation.

References :

Marfai M.A. 2003. “GIS modelling of river and tidal flood hazards in a waterfront city: case study, Semarang City, Central Java, Indonesia”. Thesis, International Institute for Geo-Information and Earth Observation, ITC, Enschede, The Netherlands.

Putra, RD and Marfai M.A. 2012. Identifikasi Dampak Banjir Genangan (ROB) terhadap Lingkungan Permukiman di Kecamatan Pademangan Jakarta Utara. Jurnal Bumi Indonesia. Vol. 1 No.1. Yogyakarta.


Dosen Pengampu: Prof. DR. Rijanta


Definisi Institusi  :
Institusi adalah sekumpulan norma dan tata kelakuan yang terorganisasi yang berkisar pada kegiatan pokok manusia yang bertujuan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan dasar manusia. Suatu institusi yang tumbuh di masyarakat karena masyarakat membutuhkannya sebagai wadah untuk menampung aspirasi mereka. Dalam perkembangan selanjutnya, pada umumnya institusi mendapat rangsangan dari Pemerintah karena Pemerintah mempunyai kepentingan dalam rangka pelaksanaan program pembangunan sehingga institusi tersebut mendapatkan pengukuhan secara resmi serta mempunyai aturan-aturan yang tertulis.

Menurut formalitasnya, institusi dibedakan menjadi institusi formal dan institusi non-formal. Penjelasannya adalah sebagai berikut :
  1. Institusi Formal
Institusi Formal adalah suatu institusi yang dibentuk oleh pemerintah atau oleh swasta yang mendapat pengukuhan secara resmi serta mempunyai aturan-aturan tertulis/resmi. Institusi formal dibedakan menjadi dua macam, yaitu institusi pemerintah dan institusi swasta.
  1. Institusi Non-Formal
Institusi non-formal adalah suatu institusi yang tumbuh dimasyarakat karena masyarakat membutuhkannya sebagai wadah untuk menampung aspirasi mereka. Pertumbuhan dan dalam perkembangan selanjutnya pada umumnya mendapat rangsangan dari atas/pemerintah, karena pemerintah mempunyai kepentingan dalam rangka pelaksanaan program pembangunan.
Ciri-ciri institusi non-formal antara lain :
a.       Tumbuh didalam masyarakat karena masyarakat membentuknya, sebagai wadah untuk menampung aspirasi mereka.
b.       Lingkup kerjanya, baik wilayah maupun kegiatannya sangat terbatas,
c.       Lebih bersifat social karena bertujuan meningkatkan kesejahteraan para anggota
d.      Pada umumnya tidak mempunyai aturan-aturan formal (tanpa Anggaran Dasar/Anggaran Rumah Tangga).

Untuk mengetahui apakah di dalam masyarakat terdapat institusi non-formal atau tidak, dapat dilihat dalam hal-hal sebagai berikut :
a.       Apakah dimasyarakat tersebut terdapat beberapa anggota masyarakat yang membentuk suatu kelompok untuk melakukan suatu jenis kegiatan tertentu
b.       Apakah kegiatan yang dilakukan oleh kelompok tersebut dapat menampung aspirasi dari para anggotanya
c.       Apakah kelompok tersebut mempunyai aturan-aturan tersendiri yang harus ditaati oleh setiap anggota
d.      Apakah kegiatan khusus yang dilakukan oleh kelompok itu secara jelas menunjukkan kegiatan kelompok (usaha bersama, kelompok seni).
e.       Apakah dalam kelompok itu terdapat pengaturan tugas yang tercermin dari adanya ketaatan atau kepatuhan kelompok kepada seorang tokoh dalam kelompok tersebut
f.        Apakah kelompok tersebut sering mengadakan pertemuan rutin

Beberapa contoh institusi non-formal di masyarakat pedesaan misalnya Kelompencapir, Kelompok Tani, Kelompok Belajar Usaha, PKK dan lain-lain.

Beberapa definisi Institusi :
  1. Institusi menurut KBBI : (
Institusi :
a.         lembaga; pranata: telah disusun -- adat istiadat, kebiasaan, dan aturan-aturan;
b.         sesuatu yg dilembagakan oleh undang-undang, adat atau kebiasaan (spt perkumpulan, paguyuban, organisasi sosial, dan kebiasaan berhalal-bihalal pd hari Lebaran);
c.         gedung tempat diselenggarakannya kegiatan perkumpulan atau organisasi
  1. Definisi Institusi menurut Douglass C. North :
Kata institusi sering diterjemahkan sebagai organisasi. Namun demikian, dalam literatur New Institutional Economics, institusi didefinisikan sebagai aturan main (rules of the game) di dalam masyarakat, atau lebih formalnya adalah suatu alat yang digunakan manusia sebagai batasan dalam berinteraksi antar sesama manusia. Batasan ini bisa berupa aturan formal (sistem kontrak, undang-undang, hukum, regulasi) dan aturan informal (konvensi, kepercayaan dan norma sosial dan budaya) beserta aturan penegakan (enforcement) yang memfasilitasi atau membentuk perilaku (behaviour) individu atau organisasi di masyarakat (North; 1990;1).
Beberapa asumsi mengenai bentuk dari institusi formal dan informal, yaitu:
a.         Institusi informal memiliki pengaruh yang sangat kuat terhadap fungsional dari organisasi formal
b.         Institusi formal mempengaruhi core dari institusi informal.
c.         Institusi formal dapat disusun dengan baik ketika institusi informal dijalankan secara berkelanjutan.
d.        Institusi formal dan informal memiliki tahapan yang berbeda dalam melakukan perubahan.
  1. Definisi Institusi menurut Geoffrey M. Hodgson :
“ Institutions are the kinds of structures that matter most in the social realm : they make up the stuff of social life. The increasing acknowledgement of the role of institutions in social life involves the recognition that much of human interaction and activity is structured in terms of overt or implicit rules. Without doing much violence to the relevant literature, we may define institutions as systems of established and prevalent social rules that structure social interactions. Language, money, law, systems of weights and measures, table manners, and firms (and other organizations) are thus all institutions.”


Hodgson, Geoffrey. 2006. JEI. Journal of Economic Issues, Vol. XL No.1 March 2006

North, Douglass C. 1990. Institutions, Institutional Change, and Economic Performance. New York: Cambridge University Press.


Lecturer : Dr. Dyah Rahmawati Hizbaron, M.Sc., M.T

1.  Indonesia is archipelagic country, whereas watershed and management planning conducted in decentralized manner. There are diverse case studies in Indonesia which implement diverse planning approaches. As we discussed, there are evolving approaches within watershed and coastal management planning. among these approaches, which planning type is the most appropriate for Indonesia context, and give example. (Not exceeded 500 words).
Answer :
Indonesia as an archipelagic country has coastal and ocean than a medium of interaction between regions also serve as a resource area. It can be said that the coastal and watershed elements can’t be separated in the context of overall regional planning where coastal and watershed areas are also part strategically important role, both in terms of economic and ecological aspects. Lack of understanding of the biophysical and socio-economic linkages between upstream and downstream watersheds, a constraint in the overall efforts to resolve environmental problems is increasing in coastal and marine areas. Thus of the conditions of development paradigm shift of the original individual, operational and fragmented into collective, collaborative and integrative.
Spatial planning with a collaborative approach by considering the ecological regions are very suitable for the management of watersheds and coastal areas in Indonesia to solve the problem of environmental degradation in the watershed and coastal areas and also to consider the development of a concept as the basis for the implementation of spatial development that takes into account all aspects related to the existence of watersheds and coastal areas.
Collaborative approach can be viewed from two perspectives: (1) the concept of solving conflicts from the perspective of the organization and (2) the concept of stakeholder cooperation. Ecoregion relationships into consideration in collaborative approaches for watershed management and coastal area management is an entity that should be based on shared characteristics of natural phenomena (natural domain), the functional linkages between upstream and downstream with a unique coastal characteristics, assimilation capacity and environmental capacity through patterns of land use compatibility between cultivated areas, buffer, and protected as well as the integration that takes into account such things as the Maritime Terrestrial Ecosystem Integration, Integration of sectoral planning, integration planning locally, regionally and nationally. Integration of planning local, regional and national become a reference in a collaborative approach. Involvement of all stakeholders from the planning stage to the implementation stage of the key principles in achieving effectiveness of watershed and coastal areas.
One example of watershed planning with collaborative approaches is Citarum watershed Management. In management, there are three determinants that have a high impact on the performance of the system and the inter-dependence among the factors in its management ecoregion approach, a watershed management and watershed characteristics. These factors is achieved through the dissemination and implementation of studies and academic papers ecoregion approach to development which affects the upstream watershed management policies systems Citarum watershed downstream. The policy is achieved through an integrated stakeholder cooperation among BPDAS Citarum, Balai Besai Wilayah Sungai Citarum, Department of Forestry, BPLHD Provinsi Jawa Barat, Dinas Pengelola SDA Provinsi Jawa Barat, Biro Sarana Perekonomian Jawa Barat, Gabungan Perkumpulan Petani Pengelola Air Jawa Barat, WALHI Jawa Barat, Dinas Pekerjaan Umum (Pengairan) Kab. Bandung, Dinas Lingkungan Hidup Kab. Bandung, P3A Tirta Siliwangi Kab. Bandung, Pemerintah Desa Sukapura Kab. Bandung, Perum Jasa Tirta II, PDAM Kota Bandung.

2.   Coastal area is a holistic entity of land use function, social assimilation and economic accumulation. Additionally, coastal area suffers from very dramatic environmental degradation (stress) and natural hazard potentials (shock). Elaborate an specific plan to counter disaster occurrence in coastal areas, which involves various stakeholder and provide an example.

Answer :

One of the policy model of sustainable development of coastal areas and natural disaster mitigation perspective that involves the participation of various stakeholders are in Indramayu. Indramayu coastal has the potential natural disasters such as coastal erosion and flooding. Coastal erosion processes (abrasion) in the coastal areas of Indramayu lasted quite strong, so the shoreline has retreated far from the old shoreline and was approaching the highway of Indramayu - Jakarta, which at this point remain over a distance of only about 100 meters from the seafront. It occurs due to disturbance of coastal ecosystems such as coastal and marine sand mining to reclamation, the existing buildings around the beach and clearing of mangroves for aquaculture area of ​​environmental impact on ecosystems in the coastal region. Changes in beach slope (gradient beach) a steep slope which previously was one of the coastal areas experiencing abrasion proof. Breaker zone area (breaking waves) that was far from the shoreline near the coast have now changed. It shows that Indramayu coastal change destructive.

Trimming of mangrove forests in the coastal area for fish ponds and other interest is one form of human intervention that resulted in a change to trigger the occurrence of dynamic coastal erosion in the coastal area.

Policy direction of sustainable development of coastal areas and natural disaster mitigation perspective can be achieved if carried out by the government with management through a collaborative community-based stakeholders. Whether it includes inter-sector, inter-regional and inter-actor.
a.       Inter-sector
Not only the fishery sector are dealing with coastal areas but also the role of various other sectors can’t be released as industry sector and the environment sector.
b.      Inter-regional
The coastal area can’t be constrained by administrative factors, but also the ecological and economic linkages should also be considered in order to minimize conflicts of interest.
c.       Inter-actor
For reducing the need for sectoral gaps specific strategies comprehensive treatment and sustainable. Need for central government policies to bridge this gap through cooperation mechanisms inter-actor (stakeholders) to decide how best to implement area management plan and action plan that suits your needs and the capacity.

Spatial stages that must be planned :
1.      Realignment of Indramayu coastal ecosystems, coastal areas by planting the mangrove forests or rehabilitation / reforestation of mangroves. And the creation of green belts around the area farms. So that there is limit the area that can be used as a mangrove forest itself and other land use.
2.      Manufacture of coastal structures such as dikes beach (sea wall), groin (groyne), and retaining the waves made with material or material that is efektife and efficiently. So that the risk of erosion and accretion trigger reduced.

3.      Preparation of Spatial Integrated Coastal Zone, the determination of certain zoning in coastal areas as function areas, such as industrial estates, transport, residential land, agricultural land, land tours, and land for infrastructure needs effectively and efficiently.


1.        Definition of Management :
a.       A better definition is given by George R Terry who defines management as “a process consisting of planning, organizing, actuating and controlling performed to determine and accompish the objectives by the use of people and resources”. Planning means thingking of manager’s action in advance. The actions of managers are based on logic, plan or some method rather than hunch. Organizing means coordinating machines, materials and human resources of the organization. Actuating means motivating, directing the subordinates. Controlling means that manager must ensure that there is no deviations from plans. This definition also indicates that managers use people, materials and other resources to accomplish the organizations objectives. The objectives may very with each organization.
b.      Management involves coordinating and overseeing the efficient and effective completion of others’ work activities. Efficiency means doing thing right; effecttiveness means doing the right things. (Stephen P. Robbins and Mary Coulter, Management tenth edition, Pearson International edition Hal. 25, USA Canada, 2009)
Planning     :    a management function that involves defining goals, establishing strategies for achieving those goals, and developing plans to integrate and coodinate activities.
Organizing :    a management function that involves arranging and structuring work to accomplish organizational goals.
Leading      :    a management function that involves working with and trough people to accomplish organizational goals.
Controlling :    a management function that involves monitoring, comparing, and correcting work perfomance.
c.       Management is the process of planning, organizing, leading, and controlling the efforts of organizations members and of using all availabel organizational resourches to reach stated  organizational goals. (James Arthur Finch Stoner and R.Edward Freeman,Management 4th edition,New Jersey, USA 1989).
Planning implies that the managers think through thier goals and actions in advance. Their actions are usually based on same method, plan, or logic, rather than on a huch.
Organizing means that managers coordinate the human and material resources of the organization. The effectiveness of an organization depends its ability to marshal its resources to attain its goals. Obviously,  the more integrated and coordinate the work of an organization, the more effective it will be. Achieving this coordination is part of the manager’s job.
Leading describes how managers direct and influence subordinates, getting others to perform essential tasks. By establishing the proper atmosphere, they help their souordinates do their best.
Controlling means that managers attempt to assure that the organization is moving toward its goals. If some part of their organization is on the wrong track – if it’s not working toward stated goals or is not doing so effectively – managers try to find out why and set things right.
d.      Management is The process of working with people and resources to accomplish organizational goals. (Thomas S. Bateman and Scott A. Snell, Management : The new competitive landscape 6th edition,hal. 14 Mc Graw Hill, New York,  2004)

2.                     Definition of Coastal Management and Watershed Management :
a.      Coastal Management
Coastal Management is an interdisciplinary and intersectoral approach to problem definition and solutions in the coastal zone.
Integrated Coastal Management is a process of governance that consists of the legal and institutional framework necessary to ensure that development and management plans for coastal zones are integrated with environmental and social goals, and are developed with the participation of those affected.

Integrated coastal management (ICM) is an approach to managing a defined coastal area that understands the coast as a complex and dynamic system that encompasses many interactions between people and ecosystems, and must be managed as an integrated whole. It is an ongoing process of formulating, implementing and refining a comprehensive and holistic vision of how humans should interact in an ecologically sustainable manner with the coastal environment (Integrated coastal management law, FAO).

"A dynamic process by which actions are taken for the use, development and protection of coastal resources and areas to achieve national goals established in cooperation with user groups and regional and local authorities, In this definition, integrated management refers to the management of sectoral components as parts of a functional whole with the explicit recognition that it is the users of resources, not the stocks of natural resources that are the focus of management. …″. (FAO Guidelines)

″A dynamic process in which a co-ordinated strategy is developed and implemented for the allocation of environmental, socio-cultural and institutional resources to achieve the conservation and sustainable multiple use of the coastal zone″. (Campnet 1991)

"A planning and coordinating process which deals with development management and coastal resources and which is focussed on the land/water interface″. (Clark 1992)

"ICZM is a governmental process and consists of the legal and institutional framework necessary to ensure that development and management plans for coastal zones are integrated with environmental (including social) goals and are made with the participation of those affected. The purpose of ICZM is to maximize the benefits provided by the coastal zone and to minimize the conflicts and harmful effects of activities upon each other ...″. (Draft Guidelines for Integrated Coastal Zone Management, World Bank)

″A dynamic process by which decisions are taken for the use, development and protection of coastal areas and resources to achieve goals established in cooperation with user groups and national, regional and local authorities. Integrated coastal management recognizes the distinctive character of the coastal zone - itself a valuable resource - for current and future generations. Integrated coastal management is multiple purpose oriented, it analyses implications of development, conflicting uses, and interrelationships between physical processes and human activities, and it promotes linkages and harmonisation between sectoral coastal and ocean activities″. (Knecht 1979, p. 186.)

"At minimum, any definition should include the integration of programs and plans for economic development and environmental quality management, and more specifically the integration of cross-sectoral plans for fisheries, energy, transportation, waste disposal, tourism, etc. ICM should also include the vertical integration of responsibilities for management actions among various levels of government - international, national, state, and local - or between the public and private sectors. It should include all the components of management - from the planning tasks of analysis and design, to the implementation tasks of installation operation and maintenance, monitoring and evaluation of strategies over time. ICM should be cross disciplinary among the sciences, engineering (technology) economics, political science (institutions), and law. In practice, it is all of the above.″ (Bower et al. 1992.)

"The primary aim of coastal zone management is to provide guidelines for decision makers on the way in which demands for numerous activities can be met without unreasonably disturbing either the balance of the natural systems of the right of all members of the community to use and enjoy the coast″. (Report of the Australian House of Representatives Standing Committee on the Management of the Coastal Zone)

b.      Watershed Management
Watershed Management is Application of business methods and technical principles to the handling of renewable resources in a watershed to assure maximum supplies of  useable water, desirable waterflow, prevention and control of erosion and the reduction of flood sediment damages (society of American Foresters, 1958)

Watershed management is one part of natural resources management or the development and administration of a country to satisfy the needs of present and future human residents (Hewlet, 1969).

Watershed Management Overview
(Source : )

What is a Watershed?
Every body of water (e.g., rivers, lakes, ponds, streams, and estuaries) has a watershed. The watershed is the area of land that drains or sheds water into a specific receiving waterbody, such as a lake or a river. As rainwater or melted snow runs downhill in the watershed, it collects and transports sediment and other materials and deposits them into the receiving waterbody.

What is Watershed Management?
Watershed management is a term used to describe the process of implementing land use practices and water management practices to protect and improve the quality of the water and other natural resources within a watershed by managing the use of those land and water resources in a comprehensive manner.

What is Watershed Management Planning?
Watershed management planning is a process that results in a plan or a blueprint of how to best protect and improve the water quality and other natural resources in a watershed. Very often, watershed boundaries extend over political boundaries into adjacent municipalities and/or states. That is why a comprehensive planning process that involves all affected municipalities located in the watershed is essential to successful watershed management.

Why is watershed management important?
Runoff from rainwater or snowmelt can contribute significant amounts of pollution into the lake or river. Watershed management helps to control pollution of the water and other natural resources in the watershed by identifying the different kinds of pollution present in the watershed and how those pollutants are transported, and recommending ways to reduce or eliminate those pollution sources.

All activities that occur within a watershed will somehow affect that watershed’s natural resources and water quality. New land development, runoff from already-developed areas, agricultural activities, and household activities such as gardening/lawn care, septic system use/maintenance, water diversion and car maintenance all can affect the quality of the resources within a watershed. Watershed management planning comprehensively identifies those activities that affect the health of the watershed and makes recommendations to properly address them so that adverse impacts from pollution are reduced.

Watershed management is also important because the planning process results in a partnership among all affected parties in the watershed. That partnership is essential to the successful management of the land and water resources in the watershed since all partners have a stake in the health of the watershed. It is also an efficient way to prioritize the implementation of watershed management plans in times when resources may be limited.

Because watershed boundaries do not coincide with political boundaries, the actions of adjacent municipalities upstream can have as much of an impact on the downstream municipality’s land and water resources as those actions carried out locally. Impacts from upstream sources can sometimes undermine the efforts of downstream municipalities to control pollution. Comprehensive planning for the resources within the entire watershed, with participation and commitment from all municipalities in the watershed, is critical to protecting the health of the watershed’s resources.

3.        Compare about : Goals, Objective, aim and purpose
a.         Goals          :    a desired result a person or a system envisions, plans and commits to achieve a personal or organizational desired end-point in some sort of assumed development. Many people endeavor to reach goals within a finite time by setting deadlines.
b.         Objective   :    something that one's efforts or actions are intended to attain or accomplish.
c.         Aim            :    to intend or direct for a particular effect.
d.        Purpose      :    The object toward which one strives or for which something exists.

4.        Why do we need planning?
Planning is one of the most important project management and time management techniques. Planning is preparing a sequence of action steps to achieve some specific goal. If you do it effectively, you can reduce much the necessary time and effort of achieving the goal.
A plan is like a map. When following a plan, you can always see how much you have progressed towards your project goal and how far you are from your destination. Knowing where you are is essential for making good decisions on where to go or what to do next.
One more reason why you need planning is again the 80/20 Rule. It is well established that for unstructured activities 80 percent of the effort give less than 20 percent of the valuable outcome. You either spend much time on deciding what to do next, or you are taking many unnecessary, unfocused, and inefficient steps.
Planning is also crucial for meeting your needs during each action step with your time, money, or other resources. With careful planning you often can see if at some point you are likely to face a problem. It is much easier to adjust your plan to avoid or smoothen a coming crisis, rather than to deal with the crisis when it comes unexpected. (

5.        Protected area for coastal and watershed from regulation
Protected River Area :
Sempadan Sungai adalah Kawasan sepanjang kiri kanan sungai, termasuk sungai buatan/kanal/saluran irigasi primer, yang mempunyai manfaat penting untuk mempertahankan kelestarian fungsi sungai. (Keppres No.32 / 1990)
Kriteria sempadan sungai adalah:
a.       Sekurang-kurangnya 100 meter dari kiri kanan sungai besar dan 50 meter di kiri kanan anak sungai yang berada diluar pemukiman.
b.      Untuk sungai di kawasan pemukiman berupa sempadan sungai yang diperkirakan cukup untuk dibangun jalan inspeksi antara 10 - 15 meter.

Protected Coastal Area : (berdasarkan UU Republik Indonesia No.27 tahun 2007 tentang Pengelolaan Wilayah Pesisir dan Pulau Pulau Kecil)
Sempadan Pantai adalah daratan sepanjang tepian yang lebarnya proporsional dengan bentuk dan kondisi fisik pantai, minimal 100 (seratus) meter dari titik pasang tertinggi ke arah darat.

6.        Choose and description one of style of planning, how about caracteristic and give an example.
Spatial planning is concerned with “the problem of coordination or integration of the spatial dimension of sectoral policies through a territorially-based strategy” (Cullingworth and Nadin, 2006: 91). More complex than simple land-use regulation, it addresses the tensions and contradictions among sectoral policies, for example for conflicts between economic development, environmental and social cohesion policies. The key role of spatial planning is to promote a more rational arrangement of activities and to reconcile competing policy goals. The scope of spatial planning differs greatly from one country to another, but most share a number of similarities. In almost all countries, spatial planning is concerned with identifying long- or medium-term objectives and strategies for territories, dealing with land use and physical development as a distinct sector of government activity, and coordinating sectoral policies such as transport, agriculture and environment (Koresawa and Konvitz, 2001).
Source : SPATIAL PLANNING, Key Instrument for Development and Effective Governance with Special Reference to Countries in Transition, UNITED NATIONS New York and Geneva, 2008.

Characteristics of spatial planning 
Man and his well-being as well as his interaction with the environment are the central concern of regional/spatial planning, its aims being to provide each individual with an environment and quality of life conducive to the development of his personality in surroundings planned on a human scale.
Regional/spatial planning should be democratic, comprehensive, functional and long-term oriented: 
·           democratic: it should be conducted in such a way as to ensure the participation of the people concerned and their political representatives; 
·           comprehensive: it should ensure the co-ordination of various sectoral policies and integrate them in an overall approach; 
·           functional: it needs to take into account the existence of a regional consciousness based on common values, culture and interests, sometimes crossing administrative and territorial boundaries, without overlooking the institutional arrangements of different countries;  
·           long-term: it should analyse and take into consideration long-term trends and development. It should be oriented to address economic, social, cultural, ecological and environmental phenomena and interventions.

source : The Concept of Regional/Spatial Planning